Crochet Beginners day Course at Cullen Sea School.
The Crochet Beginners day course is perfect for those who have never Crocheted before or those who have picked up a hook before but are struggling to learn at home.
The Workshop will cover all the basics of Crochet like holding the hook and yarn, brief history, Yarn Weights and fibre properties, learning the chain, learning the treble and the basics of how to crochet Granny squares.
Each student will be taken their own pace. You will go away with lots of Content, a good start on your crochet journey and the workshop will also include access to online video of all we have covered during the session plus addition content and full email support.
Investment: £60
Small group teaching of no more than 8 people. All materials and equipment is provided. Including a Crochet starter kit and light refreshments. Please bring your own packed lunch.
Friday 6th December from 10-3pm at Cullen Sea School, Cullen.
Please note the course is for one day only and not over set dates.
* An email will be sent out to you around 1 week before the event to confirm details of the event. Workshop spaces are non refundable.